Thursday, December 12, 2013

Strip Club....WHAT?

You should see the reactions
I get when I announce at one of my church events
about the STRIP CLUB...
outreach ministry I started!

After the initial reaction of OMGosh!
Women (and some men) are curious
of how they can help spread the message into these clubs that
God LOVES & Jesus SAVES!

I don't do it for the reactions, kudos or shock of it...
I do it for the hurting, hopeless women I have
met in these clubs.
All the staff, need prayers.
Everyone needs hope.
And, just maybe one of
those people (it may be the
child of a dancer) will
truly feel the LOVE of God
through a gift, a cookie or
a thoughtful prayer.

I do this ministry...FOR HIM
because if it wasn't for GOD...
there would be no me!