Monday, December 30, 2013

NEW fears?

Everyday, I have the pleasure of meeting
many people from VERY diverse backgrounds.
Most, are struggling with addictions, criminal behaviors
or mental illness.
However, I believe everyone can relate to FEAR.

FEAR:  Forget Everything And Run
Where has your fear taken you?
What have you missed out on because you allowed your fear to control you?

These are a few questions I ask females that are locked up in jail.
Females that are addicted to drugs, dancing in strip clubs, and
females that have given up on life and have handed the white flag to
the enemy...out of fear.

My challenge to you this new year....STOP allowing your FEAR decide your fate.
God has BIG....HUGE plans for you.
Your FEAR will NOT get you to where He wants you to be!
Replace your fear with faith and try something new this year.
As soon as that clock strikes's 2014...
make it a point to say to yourself...
FEAR has no place in my life
and I will replace it with FAITH.
FAITH that this new year will be
full of health, happiness and most of