Thursday, July 4, 2013

Is freedom free?

Happy 4th of July!
Is freedom free?
Do you realize all the sacrifices that have been laid before you
to give you the freedom you have today?
The opposite of freedom is bondage.
Today, instead of looking at how powerful the bondage of your life
may be;  financially, spiritually, emotionally or physically.
Try to focus on the freedom you have to be free.
Today, I have the freedom to wear shirts and not have to cover up my whole body as a woman.
Today, I have the choice to go to any grocery store I want to purchase food for my family.
Today, I have the luxury of sitting in an air conditioned home that is free from virus carrying bugs and furniture that is comfortable.
Did I have any power over God's decision to having me be born into a free country.  NO!
Am I grateful I live in the USA today?  YES!
Thank you to all of those that serve this country to create such freedoms I take for granted each day.
Be safe today and enjoy your freedom!