Friday, July 5, 2013

Ever feel like maybe you should've just stayed in bed?

I had moments today that I thought, maybe I should've just stayed in bed!
I attempted to drive into the office, and got stuck for 45 minutes in a traffic jam, only to find the interstate which is my 1/2 way point to work, was at a stand still. 
It was at that moment, I could've chose to
get angry, sit there in traffic and hoof and poof!
However, I decided to turn back around and drive home.
I needed to print some things but our printer is broke, so a quick
trip to the local print shop ended up taking 1 hr and 15 minutes with
an intermission of me driving across the parking lot, stopping the car
and crying my eyes out.
It was at that moment that I chose to pray the serenity prayer.
God, grant me the serenity to ACCEPT the things I CANNOT change,
The COURAGE to change the things I can,
and the WISDOM to know the difference.
After a little cry of frustration and comforting from my 7 yr old son, who by the way is very special and sensitive;  I was off into the print shop again.
This time, it was flawless.  The paperwork was there, ready for me to sign and easy.
How many times do you just want to throw your phone out the window?
How many times do you just want to scream at the top of your lungs, "I can't take this anymore!"?
When we have hills, or mountains to climb...God is already there on the other side.
With saying the serenity prayer, I was asking God to move those hills for me today.
What are your hills or mountains that cause you to want to go back to bed?
Have you prayed for guidance from God today?
He's always there, He's a great listener and dog gone it....He has the power to move those mountains!
Be blessed!