Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Keynote Speaker for The Spring-preventing teen dating violence


Delinquency Prevention Specialist Tina Levene was the keynote speaker for a teen summit on April 17th at The Spring of Tampa Bay. More than 110 teens, college students, school social workers, teachers, guidance counselors, youth advocates and others interested in issues affecting young people attended Tina’s motivational presentation.  Statistics show that 1 in 3 adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner – a figure that far exceeds rates of other types of youth violence.
The mission of The Spring of Tampa Bay, Inc. is to prevent domestic violence, protect victims and promote change in lives, families and communities. Since their founding in 1977, The Spring has provided sanctuary and services to more than 60,000 abused adults and their children. The Spring is the Department of Children and Families’ certified domestic violence center for Hillsborough County. It is one of the largest of Florida’s 42 certified domestic violence centers and the first domestic violence agency in the U.S. to have an accredited on-site school for resident children.
The Spring’s programs and services help victims of domestic violence rebuild their lives and raise awareness to prevent domestic violence from occurring.