Thursday, April 17, 2014

Laughing with old people

Last night, I was invited to perform comedy
at a nursing home.
At first, I will be honest...
I am a 'young people' person.
I have worked over 15 years with youth ages 3-25.
But, sometimes we are called by God to do things,
we do not want to do.
This was one of those opportunities.
I put together a comedy set of 15 minutes with hopes
to get a few smiles....what I got was
more than a million dollars for this volunteering experience.
I walked into the building and it smelled of cleaning liquids and moth balls.
Not a bad smell, just an institutionalized odor.
As I walked into the activities center, I saw about 15 older people in dining room chairs
and wheel chairs.  Many asleep....wish I was at that moment!
Many, just smiling because they were excited to see visitors.
But, many, that were there to be entertained.
As I started my comedy set, laughter filled the room spontaneously.
"What a great crowd!" -I thought to myself.
I'm sure some of them never really understood my jokes, but
the gift they gave me was far more than
I could have ever given them.
Just to watch them smile, laugh a bit and compliment me afterwards,
was enough to sustain me a year!
I am grateful God has me stepping outside of my comfort zone,
making people of all ages laugh, smile and feel joy.
Thank you to my friend, Carl for asking me to participate.
What a blessing!