Monday, February 24, 2014

"Encouraging you to discover your truth, one gift at a time."

Tina M. Levene
Speaker/Clean Comedian/Published Author
But...what does Tina really talk about?
Tina shares her passion and purpose with
everyone:  how to overcome adversities,
the power to choose a positive life,
and turning your lessons into blessings.
Tina M. Levene
has 3 missions to share with the world:
Heal, Hope, Help
Tina believes that in order to
live a positive life today, you have got to heal from your past.
Tina believes that in order to
overcome adversities, you need hope that it can get better.
Tina believes that in order to
turn your lessons into blessings, you have got to help others.
Heal, Hope, Help
If you feel called to better your life and help others, please
contact Tina at

There are many people that would love to be encouraged by you.
Thank you!