Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Why you so happy when your life was so horrible?

I'll never forget the young lady in jail that
asked me that question..."Why you so happy when your life was so horrible?"

I replied back to her,
because I am living for my purpose today...
which is giving you hope.
Helping others that feel worthless.
Giving you all a reason to live another day.

I was given a gift when I was 23 years old;  I got sober.
I remember at my birthday party at 24 years old and looking at the
cake with all 24 candles shining so brightly and just crying.
I thought to myself, I never imagined seeing
24 candles on my birthday cake.
Let alone living to be sober and seeing it.

God is so good!
I have done NOTHING to deserve the life I have today.
Today, I am free.
Today, I am full of hope.
Today, I am grateful to wake up.
Today, I am saved.