Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Giving hope to those in jail...

I had the pleasure of meeting with females in Detention the other day.  The young ladies were interested in my story of hope, forgiveness and love.  One young lady is 4 months pregnant, I met her in the past before when speaking at this center.  She was excited about finding out the gender of her unborn bundle of joy.  I shared my excitement with her.  That in it's self is a miracle.

In 2003, I married my husband.  We both loved children and wanted at least 10 children (birth and adopted).  After many years of trying to get pregnant and fertility treatments, the Lord had bigger plans for us, so we thought.  We completed hours upon hours of training to adopt children in our county.  We had a homestudy completed, had friends, family members, and employers become references of our good character.  We had to prove that we could financially support a child that we would adopt.

In 2005, I ended up in the Emergency Room due to bleeding for 3 weeks.  Within 30 minutes, we were told I was pregnant, the baby was in my tube and my tube ruptured.  I had internal bleeding, had to have emergency surgery to have my living baby and the rest of my falliopian tube removed.  The chance I had to ever get pregnant with fertility treatments was 15%, has now decreased by half due to having a fallopian tube removed. 

In June 2005, we found out I was pregnant.  Long story short, our child, Victor, the twin of the baby we had lost, was born January 2006.  He is a miracle, has a purpose and is a gift.  Just like this young lady's baby is to this world.  No child is a mistake.  No human being was brought into this world by chance.  God has created all living things.  God has given me a heart of joy and excitement to help others celebrate their pregnancies, even if it's a young lady in jail.  For this, I am grateful!

"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb."  Psalm 139:13 (NLT)