Thursday, August 22, 2013

Beyond blessed...

What a blessing these girls are to me!

I had the opportunity to share my experience,
strength and hope with these lovely young
ladies again at the Detention Center.

When I walked into the room, I identified
2 individuals from past various visits.
They immediately recognized me, and approached me
as if they wanted to hug me.
I reached out my hand to fist bump.
I'm not sure who was more excited to see one another, them or me.

The 2 young ladies that had heard me speak previously and both have read my book,
immediately started sharing with the other girls
my story.
As the one young lady was sharing every detail of my book,
I was sitting there smiling so proud that they actually
took a moment to read, not just a little of my book....but
amazed that they read the whole thing!
After the one young lady finished recapping
my book, another 'newbie' looked at me with tears in her
eyes and asked, "Why you so happy?  It sounds like your
life has been horrible!"
I replied back, "I live a blessed life today because
I have had those challenges.  I won't stop living life just
because I have been through some stuff."

Throughout the 1 1/2 hours of discussion with these beautiful young ladies,
I told each of them..."You have a purpose!  You are not a mistake!  There is hope!"
Many started to cry, maybe they never heard anyone say that to them before.
And I began to cry realizing that my purpose is sharing
hope with them.
I looked at that young lady that first asked me 'why I was so happy'.
"And this my dear, is why I have been through 'all those horrible things'.  So, I can help all of you!"

The picture above was taken because the girls said, "Ms. Tina's always got our backs!"
How precious, I have been praying everynight for each of these
girls.  My prayer is that their hearts are softened,
they use their strength of surviving to help others and not hurt them,
and most of all....they realize they have a purpose.