Thursday, April 4, 2013

Are you willing to climb?

Everything worthy in life is going to take work!
If it comes easy, it's probably not healthy or worth much.
Like fast food drive thru's, in an era where fast, easy and cheap are key words used all the time; 
they do not mean healthy, worthy or rich.
Everything worthy in life is going to take work!
I stopped working out 4-5 times a week due to a past back injury, I've lost muscle and gained fat.
If I would have continued to eat clean and not all the crap I have been eating, I would have probably maintained weight loss at least.  Now, I have my work cut out for me.
Not only do I need to do cardio to burn fat, but now I have to eat clean again,
workout and maintain a healthy lifestyle to get toned again.
Yes, even staying toned and in shape...takes a LOT of work!
So, the next time you see a person with muscles and in shape, remember
it did NOT come fast, easy or cheap!
Eating a clean, healthy lifestyle is the hardest for me.
But, like my personal trainer has told me-"Abs are made in the kitchen!"
I now know what I need to do to take that next step to getting fit again.
Happy climbing to all!